a painting and a meme

I decided to blow the dust off the easel and do a little bit of painting, which certainly isn’t my strong suit, but oh how I enjoy messing about with paint!

It turned out a tad more somber than I’d initially envisioned — especially given the nature of Oona’s “Happy” challenge. Still, I had fun creating it — which, I believe, is the whole point.

Finally, I’d like to get to a meme that Geri at Sewable tagged me with. It’s sort of a “slam book” (remember those?) style questionnaire. I won’t tag anyone with it afterward — not because I’m a no-fun meme killer, but because I’m a hermit with a ridiculously small social circle. So if you happen to surf in and haven’t been hit with this meme yet, consider yourself tagged. 🙂

What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was 25, married to my first husband, living in San Jose, and working, unhappily, as a writer of computer software manuals.

5 things on my to do list
For today:
Bake a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread

Get the a/c in my car fixed

Read The Ancestor’s Tale by Richard Dawkins
Organize my sewing area
I haven’t thought of a fifth yet!

Snacks I enjoy
I enjoy fruits and veggies, but unfortunately I always end up reaching for potato chips and pastries

Things I will do if I were billionaire
Go back to university and get about 20 more degrees. Fund the arts. Travel ’round the globe.

Places I have lived
Los Angeles, CA
San Jose, CA
Cambridge, England

Jobs I have had
Market researcher
Lingerie saleswoman
Technical writer
Church pianist

And I’m sure that’s a whole lot more than you ever needed to know about me.

2 thoughts on “a painting and a meme

  1. many thanks oona! both for the comment and for coming up with this challenge. it’s given me a much-needed push to pick up the brushes again and to tell my inner critic to shut the hell up and let me have fun! 😉

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