homebody buttoned mug cozy knitting pattern (plain and cabled)

Since I’ve gotten quite a few queries on how I made the Christmas gift mug cozies blogged about here, I’ve decided to post these quick patterns I threw together. Sorry in advance if you catch any errors as pattern writing isn’t really my forte. Any corrections are welcome. Enjoy!

Cabled mug cozy

BUTTONED MUG COZY (Cabled or Plain)

Any worsted weight yarn will do. US Size 8 needles.

Start with the buttonhole strap:

CO 4 and knit two rows.

3rd row: k 2, yo (to make buttonhole) k 2 (5 st total)

Knit about 4 more rows in garter stitch (i.e. all knit st) before increasing

Work an increase row:

K1fb in each stitch (10 stitches total)

Now, choose one of the following two options for the rest of your cozy — cabled or plain.

Body for a cabled cozy:

Add one more increase row: K1, (k1fb) 3 times, k2, (k1fb) 3 times, k1 (16 stitches total)

Start 6-stitch cable pattern: (right side) K3, p2, work cable twist pattern over next 6 stitches (slip 3 st onto cable needle and move to back of work, k3, knit stitches from cable needle. Twist the cable like this every 6 rows. When not on a twist row, knit the 6 stitches), p2, k3

Next row (and all wrong side rows): k5, p6, k5

Repeat these last 2 rows until your body is the desired length (ending on a twist row). Start on button strap.

Decrease for button strap:

Dec row 1: (k1, k2 tog) 5 times, k1 (11 st total)

Dec row 2: (k1, k2tog) 3 times, k2 (8 st total)

Dec row 3: k2tog all the way across (4 st total)

Knit 4 rows even.

Bind off.

Body for plain cozy:

Add one more increase row: K1, k1fb, k1, k1fb, k2, k1fb, k1, k1fb, k1 (14 stitches total)

All wrong sides: k3, p8, k3

Right sides: knit

Repeat these last 2 rows until your body is the desired length.

Decrease for button strap:

Dec row 1: (k1, k2tog) 4 times, k2 (10 st total)

Dec row 2: k2tog all the way across (5 st total)

Knit 5 rows even.

Bind off.

Add an embroidered design to your cozy, if so desired.